Here is a recent picture of Kirby. He is growing like a weed and eats
like a pig. He absolutely loves my other dogs and was not afraid or
intimidated by them at all. Izzy (rat terrier/chihuahua) and him play for
He sleeps in his crate at night without any complaints and only wakes
me up 1-2 times per night to go potty. He is still working on the potty
training, but he is getting better. Everyone thinks that he is adorable.
Thanks again,

Hi Cherie,
Just a note to let you know how thankful we are to you for giving us such a little "Cocoa
Puff" of love. She is wonderful. Cocoa fit right in with our 3 very large dogs, and they just
love her. Our female Akita (10 years) has decided Cocoa is her puppy. This is what we were
hoping for because, now she will protect Cocoa and teach her the "pack" rules.
She has also won the heart of our boxer/mastiff. If I can get a picture of those two laying
together, or nose to nose, I will send it to you. It is sooooo sweet.
Cocoa had her first Well Puppy appointment last Monday. She did great! Doctor said
except for a bit of dry skin, she is very healthy.
Thank you again for such a sweet puppy. We hope Cocoa will be with us for many, many

Bitsy & Luke
When we first introduced Bitsy to Luke, we were concerned that he would be too rough because he is only 2 ½ yrs old. But it was like they just knew each other and he handled her very carefully. They ran and played together most of the time we were up visiting.
Thanks again for our baby, we love her to pieces!

Hi Cherie! Here are some pictures of Kai. Our daughter Kalli was elated to receive him this Christmas and has been helping care for him. We have already taught him to sit, and he fit in perfectly with the family since the smart and feisty little guy and we could not have gotten a more perfect match to complete us. We wanted to thank you again for taking such good care of him until we got him. We love him so much and if Kai could speak he would tell you he loves us too! We will continue to send pictures as he grows!
Take care. :)
Thank you again!!
Krystyn, Cassie, Kalli and Kai

Here is a picture of Scout, Cherie! He is going great and is such a playful and cuddly puppy :)

Thanks Cherie for taking care of me until I went to my forever home.
My 5 month old Akita Puppy brother Opie loves me, I have a HUGE doggie bed & it's him!
Love, Otis

Hey Cherie! I just wanted to thank you for my new Pomeranian pup. You're right, he definitely was the pick of the litter! He's such a good pup & everyone absolutely loves him! He's playful & such a sweetheart! We named him Max & he's perfect! Thank you so much!
xoxo Lani